Ever wonder what it takes to write an essay that makes you stand out among others? Fortunately,
there are several things that you should take into consideration before writing an essay.
Writing essays can be a difficult task for some people. And if you’re someone who thinks that essay
writing is beyond his/her capabilities, then after reading this article we hope you may change your

Tips & Tricks for Writing Better Essays
Although there is no short-cut or secret formula to writing attractive yet informative essays, there
are a number of tips and tricks that you can adopt.
1. Understand the topic properly

We all know, the main purpose/goal to write an essay is to address an issue. So, the first and
foremost thing you should do is to get a proper understanding of the topic. This process is known as
Brainstorming in essay writing is a process of thinking about an issue and then
coming up with new and unique ideas that perfectly satisfy essay writing parameters.
Many ways can help you to efficiently understand new topics. Some of the major ones are discussed
- Search online
- Try to learn the same information from different platforms
- Use comparison techniques to make topics understandable
Overall, by understanding your essay topic properly, you will have a better idea about what things
you have covered and vice versa.
2. Do Proper Research
Once you have a strong understanding of your topic, it’s time to start research. The more you
research, the better will be the quality of your essay.
Doing proper research will not only help you in finding relevant information about your topic but
also helps create a catchy outline. In order to do research, you can read already published blog post
articles, research papers, and encyclopedias that are published within 5-6 years.
Note: While researching, you should only stick to credible sources or authors
3. Create an Outline
Now that you have done your research, don’t rush yourself for writing. Spend time creating a basic
outline for your essay, so that you can organize your thoughts and make arguments more clearly
and logically.
Not just this, creating an outline of your essay will also help you save time and keep you on track
while writing an essay as well.
4. Start Writing Essay

Once you have created an outline, now it’s time to write the essay. You must focus on the below
factors while writing the essay:
An introduction is the very first or sometimes two paragraphs of your essay. The main goal of
writing an introduction is to let your readers know about the topic of your essay. The introduction
of your essay will accompany by compelling illustrations and examples that draw readers into the
story. Creating an effective thesis statement is crucial at this stage. The statement must be short,
clear, and point-to-point.
- Thinking about what makes a good introduction? Let us explain.
- Your introduction should start with a catchy sentence or heading.
- The first sentence must include the baseline of your essay topic.
- It should provide readers with a sense of the main arguments that you will cover in your
- essay.
- In the end, you have to make a precise remark that will serve as your thesis statement.
Body of the Essay
The body is the section of your essay where you will express your main thoughts and ideas. The
body is a collection of several paragraphs related to your main topic. In order to provide readers
with a better understanding of your essay, you have split up the paragraphs with bullets,
numbering, tables, or by incorporating visuals.
Doing this will not only allow readers to better understand what you’re talking about but also make
your essay attractive and appealing to the reader’s eyes.
Conclusion of an Essay
The last section of an essay is referred to as a conclusion. It usually summarizes and restates the
main points of the essay. The basic purpose of a conclusion is to wrap up the arguments and give further directions to the readers. In simple words, a conclusion provides closure and brings all the
ideas together in a cohesive manner.
5. Write in simple language
Using simple language in your essay is highly beneficial. As it helps your readers to understand
your content quickly and efficiently. The simple language means using simple and easy-to-understand
words in your essay.
If you’ve tried your best and still facing any difficulties in writing an essay in simple language,
then you can try different ways to make your essay writing simpler and easier to understand.
One way is manually changing easy words with difficult or complex words. The other way involves
utilizing online rephrasing tools to change words automatically. These tool uses advanced
algorithms and works by replacing complex words/jargon with their simple synonyms.
To better understand this, we are going to use an AI-Based sentence rephraser by Rephrase.info.
We have entered some sample paragraphs into the tool and here is how it changes words with
So, as can be in the image, the tool has efficiently reworded the given content by replacing difficult
words/phrases with their relevant synonyms without changing the meaning of the original content.
6. Avoid Copy Paste
While writing an essay, it is crucial to avoid copying content from other sources. Copying someone
else content without its permission is referred to as “Plagiarism” which is acting as stealing someone
else words or ideas without his/her permission or giving credit.
Plagiarism is considered an unethical act and can lead to severe consequences in academic writing
such as failing in that particular subject or penalization from the school/college.
There are a number of ways that you can adopt in order to avoid plagiarism while writing an essay.
One way is by citing sources properly and expressing your own words to express ideas.
Another way to avoid plagiarism is by quoting the original source as it is. Quoting refers to taking a
short piece of text (that contains the most important information about your topic) and writing the
text using quotation marks.
In many cases, especially in essay writing, sometimes you have to provide the original information
as it is, so you just need to put quotation marks both at the start and end of the information you
want to quote and you’re done.
7. Pay attention to grammar errors
Avoiding grammatical errors is an essential tip for essay writing. We know there are a lot of words
that are quite hard to remember, looking for a solution? One solution is that you have to either note
down the most repeated words or memorize their spelling.
However, if you find this difficult then you can take it from online grammar-checking tools like
Ginger. These tools work on grammatical rules and will check the user content for spelling, style,
and grammatical errors. Let us further explain this;
We are going to give a sentence to the online grammar checking mentioned in the above paragraph
to make sure how efficiently the tool corrects it.
The sentence we will to the tool:
“Their sale revenue has grown significantly. It’s not what I anticipated.”
The result we got from the tool can be in the picture below:
8. Proofread and edit

Once you have done with your essay, it’s time to proofread it. Proofreading your work and making
changes to it can improve the overall quality of your essay. Proofreading allows users to make sure
they have discussed everything properly. Not just this, proofreading an essay will allow users to
find even the smallest mistakes that they have made while writing.
Usually, proofreading involves reviewing the work for any grammar and spelling errors, making
sure that every detail about the main topic is covered, and also ensure that the written
essay is unique.
Most writers generally ignore checking the uniqueness of the written essay because they think that
they have written it from scratch (there is no chance of plagiarism). But in reality, there are chances
of unintentional plagiarism. That’s why, it is always to check the written essay for plagiarism.
To do this, there are a number of plagiarism detection tools available online that works by scanning
the user content through millions of published articles, journals, and research papers for any copied
content. A reliable and accurate plagiarism checker matches your essay’s content with all online
resources and provides the percentage of original and plagiarized content.
This way you can easily scan and check the uniqueness of your essay before submitting it to the
lecturer or professor.
Final Words
Writing an essay means presenting one’s ideas to the reader efficiently. You should try to find
different ways to express your ideas according to the specific audience. By practicing the tips
mentioned in this article, we can write an effective essay that will surely attract readers.