Category: General Knowledge

10 Lines on Autumn Season for Class 1 to 10 Students || 10 Sentences on Autumn Season

Autumn is a lovely and one of the most-loved seasons to people. I don't know about you, but I have a lot of fun this season. In this article, I have shared a few sentences for classes 1 to 10. Hope they will be helpful to you and don't forget to share with your friends … Continue reading 10 Lines on Autumn Season for Class 1 to 10 Students || 10 Sentences on Autumn Season

Write a Paragraph on Global Warming in 100, 150 & 300 Words 

In this article, I will share 3 samples of paragraph writing on Global Warming. Sample 1: Write a paragraph on Global Warming in 100 words. Global Warming Global warming is the rise in the Earth's average temperature. It is caused by the increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide levels, resulting in an increase in temperature. Massive … Continue reading Write a Paragraph on Global Warming in 100, 150 & 300 Words 

Numbers 1 to 100 Counting Chart In English with Spelling

Numbers 1 to 100 Counting Chart In English with Spelling Hello students. On a mobile, you can scroll this chart sideways (and on the desktop if necessary) Let’s learn counting numbers from one to one hundred. 1One11Eleven21Twenty-one31Thirty-one41Forty-one51Fifty-one61Sixty-one71Seventy-one81Eighty-one91Ninety-one2Two12Twelve22Twenty-two32Thirty-two42Forty-two52Fifty-two62Sixty-two72Seventy-two82Eighty-two92Ninety-two3Three13Thirteen23Twenty-three33Thirty-three43Forty-three53Fifty-three63Sixty-three73Seventy-three83Eighty-three93Ninety-three4Four14Fourteen24Twenty-four34Thirty-four44Forty-four54Fifty-four64Sixty-four74Seventy-four84Eighty-four94Ninety-four5Five15Fifteen25Twenty-five35Thirty-five45Forty-five55Fifty-five65Sixty-five75Seventy-five85Eighty-five95Ninety-five6Six16Sixteen26Twenty-six36Thirty-six46Forty-six56Fifty-six66Sixty-six76Seventy-six86Eighty-six96Ninety-six7Seven17Seventeen27Twenty-seven37Thirty-seven47Forty-seven57Fifty-seven67Sixty-seven77Seventy-seven87Eighty-seven97Ninety-seven8Eight18Eighteen28Twenty-eight38Thirty-eight48Forty-eight58Fifty-eight68Sixty-eight78Seventy-eight88Eighty-eight98Ninety-eight9Nine19Nineteen29Twenty-nine39Thirty-nine49Forty-nine59Fifty-nine69Sixty-nine79Seventy-nine89Eighty-nine99Ninety-nine10Ten20Twenty30Thirty40Forty50Fifty60Sixty70Seventy80Eighty90Ninety100One-hundred Smartobey TIPWhen writing numbers between 21 and 99, you must include a hyphen (-). FAQs How can you … Continue reading Numbers 1 to 100 Counting Chart In English with Spelling

What are Roman Numerals? Facts, Charts 1 to 2000 & Use of Roman Numerals

What are Roman Numerals? The numbers we use every day (1, 2, 3, 4, 5 etc.) are known as "Arabic numerals." However, we occasionally use a different technique for writing numbers with English alphabets called "Roman numerals". In this system, combinations of letters from the Latin alphabet are used to represent numbers. The seven letters … Continue reading What are Roman Numerals? Facts, Charts 1 to 2000 & Use of Roman Numerals