Numbers 1 to 100 Counting Chart In English with Spelling
Hello students. On a mobile, you can scroll this chart sideways (and on the desktop if necessary) Let’s learn counting numbers from one to one hundred.
1 One | 11 Eleven | 21 Twenty-one | 31 Thirty-one | 41 Forty-one | 51 Fifty-one | 61 Sixty-one | 71 Seventy-one | 81 Eighty-one | 91 Ninety-one |
2 Two | 12 Twelve | 22 Twenty-two | 32 Thirty-two | 42 Forty-two | 52 Fifty-two | 62 Sixty-two | 72 Seventy-two | 82 Eighty-two | 92 Ninety-two |
3 Three | 13 Thirteen | 23 Twenty-three | 33 Thirty-three | 43 Forty-three | 53 Fifty-three | 63 Sixty-three | 73 Seventy-three | 83 Eighty-three | 93 Ninety-three |
4 Four | 14 Fourteen | 24 Twenty-four | 34 Thirty-four | 44 Forty-four | 54 Fifty-four | 64 Sixty-four | 74 Seventy-four | 84 Eighty-four | 94 Ninety-four |
5 Five | 15 Fifteen | 25 Twenty-five | 35 Thirty-five | 45 Forty-five | 55 Fifty-five | 65 Sixty-five | 75 Seventy-five | 85 Eighty-five | 95 Ninety-five |
6 Six | 16 Sixteen | 26 Twenty-six | 36 Thirty-six | 46 Forty-six | 56 Fifty-six | 66 Sixty-six | 76 Seventy-six | 86 Eighty-six | 96 Ninety-six |
7 Seven | 17 Seventeen | 27 Twenty-seven | 37 Thirty-seven | 47 Forty-seven | 57 Fifty-seven | 67 Sixty-seven | 77 Seventy-seven | 87 Eighty-seven | 97 Ninety-seven |
8 Eight | 18 Eighteen | 28 Twenty-eight | 38 Thirty-eight | 48 Forty-eight | 58 Fifty-eight | 68 Sixty-eight | 78 Seventy-eight | 88 Eighty-eight | 98 Ninety-eight |
9 Nine | 19 Nineteen | 29 Twenty-nine | 39 Thirty-nine | 49 Forty-nine | 59 Fifty-nine | 69 Sixty-nine | 79 Seventy-nine | 89 Eighty-nine | 99 Ninety-nine |
10 Ten | 20 Twenty | 30 Thirty | 40 Forty | 50 Fifty | 60 Sixty | 70 Seventy | 80 Eighty | 90 Ninety | 100 One-hundred |
Smartobey TIP When writing numbers between 21 and 99, you must include a hyphen (-). |
How can you write 100 in English?
Although the number 100 is written as “one hundred,” some people pronounce it as “a hundred.”
How do you write 123 in English?
One hundred and twenty-three