Write A Letter To A Publisher For Delivering Some Books To Your Library

Write A Letter To A Publisher For Delivering Some Books To Your Library

Suppose you are the librarian of your school, write a letter to a publisher for delivering some books to your library

The Publisher,
Chhaya Prakashani,
4 College Row

Sub: For delivering books Or, Placing order for delivering books


I shall be highly obliged if you kindly deliver the following books duly packed to our address within 15 days.

Book items:
(1) English Tutor – Class-XI-10 copies
(2) Biology Textbook – Class-XII-10 copies

A bank draft (No. – 250) amount rupees-5000 has been drawn in favour of Chhaya Prakashani payable in Kolkata (Dated-09/10/20) has been herewith for your kind acceptance.

Looking forward to your prompt delivery.

Yours Faithfully
Hridant Paul(your name)

Thanking you

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