Write a letter to the Editor of an English daily about the unhealthy food items sold in the school canteen

Write a letter to the Editor of an English daily about the unhealthy food items sold in the school canteen

The Headmaster
Vivekananda High School (H.S)
Santipur, Mecheda

Sub: Concern over unhealthy food selling in and around school


      Humbly and with due respect, I, Bihan Sahoo, a student of Class-XII of your school, would like to express my deep concern over the selling of unhealthy food items in our school canteen. 

   Of late, the selling of junk food and fast food has increased tremendously in our school canteen. The food items like – fuchka, egg rolls, chow mein, pickles, cut fruits etc which are remain uncovered in the open air and are made in an unhygienic way, causing health hazards. The consumption of these food items causes acidity, gastric, and diabetes and increases the level of cholesterol and saturated fat in the body. But the food items being cheap and tasty, many students have got the habit of eating them regularly. If the sale of such food items continues for a long time, the students will suffer from serious diseases. 

           You are, therefore, earnestly requested to ensure the availability of high-quality food items in the school canteen for the well-being of the students. 

 Looking forward to your prompt action. 

Yours Faithfully
Bihan Sahoo

Thanking you,
Date: 07/07/21

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